Weekly Challenge: January 1, 2017

As we move from one year to the next, ask God to help you "Let Go" of whatever it is that might be holding you back. Whatever it is that keeps you from experiencing the New Life he has for you. It's not that we don't care about those things anymore, but that we shift our attention from dwelling on our past to looking forward to what is new. Happy New Year from Holy Redeemer!

Weekly Challenge: November 13, 2016


Father, we bless and thank You for a brand new day and for the fresh opportunities and challenges that this day will bring. Thank You that You mercies are new every morning and I pray that I will walk worthy of You today and be a faithful witness in thought, word and deed.. demonstrating a Christ-like attitude to all with whom I come in contact.

Keep me ever-focused on You Lord and keep my heart steadfastly trusting You for all my needs and necessities. Help me not to function in my own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. May I stand firm in the truth of the gospel of grace and remain steadfastly looking to Jesus - trusting in Him to supply His sufficient strength for all occasions. Teach me all that You would have me to learn today and give me the courage and strength to press on toward the goal for the upward call in Christ Jesus.. so that I may win the heavenly prize, which God, in Christ, is calling me to do – in Jesus name I pray,


Weekly Challenge: October 16, 2016

This week, pray. Pray to spend time with God, who wants to be with us. God has a way of seeking us in our lives, making himself present to us...much like a little girl - flicking at our newspaper. So, spend some time with God, listen, and love.

Weekly Challenge: September 4, 2016

As you stand on the edge of a dock, you see Jesus there standing in the water asking and waiting for you to jump into his arms...But something stops you...What is it? Ask Jesus to help you rid your life of whatever holds you back...make the jump....And be All In!

Weekly Challenge: August 28, 2016

Take the Lowest Place, in other words, stay humble.

Here are some practical ways to do that: Take the furthest parking spot. Let someone in front of you in line. Sit with someone who is alone. Let others speak before you. Give credit to others ideas that you are following through on. Let someone else lead the conversation.