Steps to Planning a Funeral

  • Make an appointment with Fr. Georges Bidzogo

    • He will help you through the grieving process and with any details for the funeral.

  • Contact your preferred funeral home

  • Be present to one another

    • Celebrate your loved one's life

    • Comfort each other


Ways to Celebrate a Life

  • We will display your loved one's name on the back wall of our church until our All Souls Celebration

  • Flowers for the Altar

  • Memorial Candle

  • Mass Intention

  • Make a bequeath to the Church or parish group

  • Join us at our Memorial Service on All Souls' Day Celebration


Funerals at Holy Redeemer

We prefer to celebrate funerals at Holy's the best way to pray for a loved one, and celebrate their life.

Please contact our Director of Worship to discuss music for the funeral.

Daniel Schmit
Director of Worship

Common Music for Funerals


Common Readings for Funerals

Click on the readings to view them.


The Whats and Whys

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The Paschal Candle - The Paschal Candle is a symbol of the risen Christ, the light of the world. We receive the light of Christ from the Paschal Candle at our baptism and we are to keep that light alive in our hearts. The Pascal Candle is now placed in the middle of the sanctuary and is lighted as a sign of hope in the resurrection, that when the Lord comes we may go out and meet him with all the saints of the heavenly kingdom.

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The Hail Mary Prayer - This prayer, done in song, invokes the intercession of our Blessed Mother, to, "pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death."

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Sprinkling with Holy Water - Holy Water reminds us of the saving  waters of our baptism; the washing away of our sins and rebirth in Christ.

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Placing of the Pall - The pall, which is a sacred covering placed over the casket, is a reminder of the white garment given at baptism, to signify that we are clothed in Christ.

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The Liturgy of the Word - The readings proclaim the mystery, teach remembrance of the dead, convey the hope of being gathered together again in God's kingdom, and encourage the witness of Christian life.

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Receiving Communion - We are blessed to have you join us for Mass. As we come together today, we invite you to participate in the responses and songs. We want to explain why Holy Communion is reserved for Catholics. There are two reasons: first, Catholics believe that our Lord Jesus Christ, following His words at the Last Supper and repeated at every Mass, is truly present (Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity) in Holy Communion. Because it is so sacred, reception of this great gift, is reserved for those who believe Jesus is present in this form. Second, the reception of Communion is a bond of unity Catholics share with the Church. Communion is therefore reserved for those in union with Christ's Church.

All Catholics disposed to receive the Eucharist are welcome to come forward. All others are also welcome to come forward to receive a blessing from Fr. Anderson. When receiving a blessing, please indicate so by raising your hand as you approach.


Incense - Incense is used during the funeral rites as a sign of honor to the body of the deceased, which through baptism, becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit. It is also used as a sign of the community's prayers for the deceased rising to the throne of God and as a sign of farewell.