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What are Devotions?

Devotions are expressions of our profound love, and recommitment to God. In return, we ask for God to pour out His blessing upon us and our intentions. They are designed to help us grow in our faith and build up our relationship with God.

Are they required?

No. Devotions are simply a way we can express our faith. They are not obligations.

What are some popular devotions?

Some common devotions practiced by Catholics in the United States are: Litanies, the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Does Holy Redeemer have any devotions?

Yes! In fact, we have 11 saint shrines, each of which has a devotion associated with it. We also have the Stations of the Cross and the Divine Mercy / Precious Blood devotion every Friday at 3:00p.m. Check out some of our HRC devotions below!


Saint Shrines of HRC

January: St. Jude

February: St. Anthony of Padua

March: Stations of the Cross

April: Sacred Heart of Jesus

May: St. Anne and the Child Mary

June: Our Lady of Guadalupe

July: St. Therese of Lisieux

August: Mother of Perpetual Help

September: The Holy Family

October: St. Francis of Assisi

November: Sacred Heart of Jesus

December: Infant of Prague